Our Accreditations

Studyco is a recognised industry expert and has a number of accreditations and affiliations. Our staff are all highly qualified and undertake regular industry training with our partner instutions to ensure they are up to date with the ever-changing climate of international education.

Affiliated Partners

In addition to our Studyco offices all over the world, Studyco proudly works with many affiliated partners across the globe. These partnerships are forged in order to compliment Studyco’s presence in a variety of regions and have broadened our reach and scope in growing markets. Studyco’s strong history and reputation amongst education institutions has meant that we are a sought after and reliable partner and this strategy fits with our global approach and our expertise in seeking business to business opportunity in the education market.

ISO International Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. ISO 9001:2008 specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory, and aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system.

The Canada Course for Education Agents, created by the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD), with the Canadian Consortium for International Education (CCIE) and ICEF. The Canada Course supports professional development for agents specialising in Canada as a study destination.

The Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (QEAC) is related to education agents that have taken the Education Agent Training Course (EATC) formal assessment and been assessed as competent. StudyCo has the following Qualified Education Counsellors

StudyCo is a Future Unlimited brand licensee. Future Unlimited was developed under the Australia Unlimited framework (which was endorsed by the Australian Government in 2010) to better communicate Australia’s credentials as a business partner and global citizen. The brand identity focuses on graduate outcomes. It uses images of individuals, set in a workplace environment, who convey a sense of achievement and confidence.

The British Council supports and works collaboratively with education agents and advisors for international students to the UK. The aim is to facilitate access to the best agents for students, parents and all accredited UK education providers. The British Council certified agents have all successfully passed the training programmes.

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